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 “…in the image of God He created them, male and female He created them…”  (Genesis 1:27)

According to this – the first story of creation – (the first of two versions found in the Bible), it sounds a bit like God created Adam and Eve at the same time.  It is in the “second version” (Genesis 3:21-23) where Adam sleeps and God takes a rib from him to create Eve.  Nonetheless, whichever version you’re fond of, poor Eve has been struggling for equality ever since!

This Sunday bears a lot of names and titles.  It is the 18th Sunday after Pentecost; it is also on the church calendar as the day for commemoration of St. Jerome, translator, teacher, 420; but it is also “Friendship Sunday” for people of Our Saviour to bring friends to this worship; but it also carries the title of “Women of the ELCA Sunday (often shortened to WELCA Sunday).

Actually, I will be the only man participating in this service – set as one service for this Sunday – at 10:30 a.m. since I’m the only ordained Lutheran available to consecrate the elements for communion.  I am honored to serve in this capacity because I love celebrating the Lord’s Supper, so, on the other hand, the women are just stuck with me!

Seriously, WELCA Sunday at OSLC is very dear to my heart.  Why?  Well, some will remember when my family and I finally got here in late September of 1994, that my very first Sunday here was none other than, WELCA Sunday!  The women then were gracious to say that since it was my first Sunday that I would be welcome to preach (they had already lined a female up to handle that) but I relented and did not want to take away from the opportunity for this yearly expression of faith through worship by the women of the Church!  So—my first Sunday at Our Saviour I was able to sit in the pew!  It was delightful!  I won’t ever forget it!

This year will be another memorable experience!  Ms. Gerri Smith, a Biblical storyteller, will deliver the sermon this Sunday.  I have seen a video of her doing a characterization of Katie Luther, and I must say she is very, very good!  I think you will enjoy this presentation as well as be inspired!  You must make a special effort to come and experience this worship, and then stay afterwards to meet Ms. Smith at a specially planned reception in her honor.

There are many women who have special places in our lives:  our mothers, grandmothers, guardians, aunts, cousins, sisters.  There are favorite women from the Bible too, I’m sure!  Eve, Sarah, Zarephath, Deborah, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Phoebe, Dorcas, and Lydia.  There’s numbers of unnamed women we have enjoyed as well from the Bible….the woman at the well, the Syrophoenician woman, and yes, even Noah’s wife (who is never named in the scriptures!).  But what about Esther?

What do you know about Esther?  Well—if you don’t know much, this Sunday is an excellent time to come to church because Ms. Smith will be portraying Esther in her story for us.!

We are grateful to our women of the church.  They do so many amazing things around the congregation but also through our synod, nation, and the world.  Come and give thanks to God for our women!  Enjoy a moving worship, and then join us for a great fellowship that follows1

And remember – bring a friend with you!  They would appreciate this worship as well!  (A reminder – Sunday School will meet from 9-10 a.m.  Hope to see you there too!)

God loves you and so do I!

Pastor Jim

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