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“…You didn’t choose Me, I chose you…” (John 15:16)

I admit it; I did watch the first debate between President Obama and Governor Romney. Well, I might have drifted to sleep momentarily toward the end of the debate, but I did watch!

My hope and prayer is that the population who did watch got some kind of help in their deciding who they are going to vote for. I think it’s good to make the best educated guess that one can make, although, for many, the more we listen to any politician the more confused we can become. So, it’s definitely a huge challenge!

Each candidate has his own plans for a vast array of programs. I find it interesting that the opposing parties always try and make it look like “the other guy” is evil and mean and only wants his way! “If this policy goes into practice we are in trouble!” “If he gets elected the whole country will fail!” Do we really think that the world will collapse because of this program or that, this one person or that one? In my reading, I discovered that there was a tremendous uproar over the creation of Medicare (1965) because it seemed to some as a more “socialist type” of program! That fear—of course—was brought on because it was new and different (although President Truman had asked Congress to come up with a National Insurance program back in 1945. I understand that President Truman was the first to sign up for Medicare in 1965 which cost him $3 a month).

With either candidate it’s clear that change is in the wind for the coming years. Many economic gurus are saying no matter who wins the election in November that we’re in for another economic decline in the very near future. Sure, that concerns me a great deal.

But—I’m not losing sleep over it!

I’m not losing sleep because of one factor that permeates the life of a Christian: faith. I have faith that God will guide whoever wins and the people will choose the one who is best for this time in our history. Even though other economic strategists have suggested that our country is on the brink of becoming so weak that we could be overtaken by another country, I have no fear of such a theory. For me the Church will continue no matter what, and as long as the Church continues, the country will (in the long run) follow suit. No matter what the ACLU and other groups say, we are a nation whose foundations are built upon our faith in the Almighty God of the Old and New Testaments.

Our Lord Jesus talks about an election in the Gospels, did you know that? He said that God chose each one of us to be in “His party” – His family, and there is no debate! In Social Security, you can opt out at certain times of your lives, however, this “program” you cannot. You can say that you don’t believe and will not follow, but I believe God doesn’t give up that easily. The vote has been taken. The cross is now empty—signifying victory; the tomb is vacant—which tells us even the opponent death doesn’t rank in the polls! The potential for salvation and eternal life is possible for all the constituency of this earth!

Sounds almost like “universal salvation” – but it really doesn’t go that far. It comes close, this is true, but notice that I said “the potential” for these gifts are possible, but only if you have some form of faith in Christ Jesus. It can be a great as Abraham’s faith, or, it can be as miniscule as a mustard seed. God will make it grow!

So—trust in the Lord your God this season of debates and sometimes aggravating commercials; the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to help each individual make the choices they feel need to be made. God will guide this nation. Love, truth always wins out. It is a fact that fact checkers probably can’t find, but we must believe—have faith—in this truth and love. God is neither democrat nor republican—He’s simply “for you!” For all. It’s just the way it is. Thanks be to God!

God loves you and so do I!

Pastor Jim

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