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“How Can These Things Be?” (John 3:9)

Nicodemus was a mixed bag, some say.  First, he was a Pharisee, which, made him a critic of Jesus.  True, not all Pharisees probably were as adamant about the Lord, and, it seems that Nicodemus proves to be a “moderate’ in this case.  He has come to talk with Jesus; he was concerned about many things.  He wasn’t the only one asking Jesus – throughout the Gospels – about what one can do to inherit the kingdom of God.  Nicodemus, in spite of his lofty ranking in the community, is just like most everyone else:  “What must I do….”

There is only one thing to do.  Believe.

In fact, there’s nothing one can do in the physical sense.  We are saved by God’s faith in us; we are saved by the deeds of our Saviour, symbolized by an empty cross and vacant tomb, not by our own works.

In essence, Nicodemus is maybe older than Jesus—and Jesus has said that you had to be re-born in some way—so he wants to know, “How can someone my age start over?”  Jesus tries to help him see that it’s not about time, and it isn’t really about experiencing a physical re-birth:  it’s simply about faith.

God leads each one of us; each of us learn about God’s saving grace in many and various ways.  It’s like the wind, Jesus says, “no never know what you’re going to get, or what direction it may come…but it comes!”

Trust in the Lord.  Love Him by loving others.  It quite simple.  Such is the kingdom—of this time and space, and, of heaven.

Believe.  Faith.  Trust.  Three words that speak of the same thing.  Accept the Word of God that teaches us about Jesus, the Christ.  He has come to save the world (3:16) and not to divide and conquer (3:17).  It IS just that simple!

That is how it all can be.  It’s ultimately in God’s hands.  And, for me, I’m glad it is in His hands and not mine.  Blessings come from God.  Open your hearts and minds to these gifts, and live!

God loves you unconditionally—let us attempt to do the same for each other!

Pastor Jim

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