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Reaching Out

Mark’s Gospel is a very interesting one. It has no Christmas narrative (it begins with the mission and ministry of John the Baptist instead of Jesus’ birth), and, in its earliest versions has the resurrection story end rather abruptly (look it up and see how the story ends with Mark 16:8!).

There are two considerations of endings that the early church added later on. What is called “the shorter ending of Mark” goes this way:

“And all that had been commanded them they (the women at the tomb of Jesus) told briefly to those around Peter. And afterward Jesus Himself sent out through them, from east to west, the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation.”

No matter what Gospel you read, all of them end with a challenge of Jesus’ followers to go out and share the story of Jesus which points people to the gift of God of grace and salvation.

We can interpret away things in the Bible that we don’t want to do, but one thing we cannot avoid or ignore: reaching out into the world. Reaching out is at the center of everything He ever said. God calls us to do everything we can to share the gifts we have been given. That can include our money, our time, or any of our talents with which we have been blessed.

As Holy Week and Easter are upon us, let us find ways to experience “outreach.” “Reaching Out” truly is the common denominator of the Christian faith; it is the best way to show our love of God (by loving our neighbor as we love ourselves.) Anyone and everyone can do this!

The gifts we have are “sacred and imperishable”! Even the little things that you may do make a difference in God’s world. Read on throughout this newsletter and find something to do to serve outside of ourselves. Reach out. Reach out in love.

Your Council has declared the month of April as “Out Reach Month.” Consider inviting someone at work, in your extended family, or in your neighborhood to church during this month! You’ll see how “Seeking Ministry” (Outreach) has plans toward the end of this month to encourage you and me to invite someone to church! Read on, and God bless you all!

God loves you and so do I!

Pastor Jim

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