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God Cannot Be Shut Out! (John 20:26)

God is not passive, ever! Often when we pray for help and do not get it—we think that God is not very active in our lives, when in all actuality, it may be in God’s silent response that we need to know that we already have the resources to handle the need!

In this Sunday’s Gospel lesson (John 20:19-31), the disciples are afraid for their own lives! They are deeply worried—especially with the “rumor” spreading around that Jesus has been raised from the dead—that the Sanhedrin could step up their action against them (blaming the disciples for the disappearance of Jesus’ body). The frustration, prejudice, and anger towards the remaining eleven followers of Jesus could have been at an all-time high. The disciples had good reason to be fearful!

At their deepest time of need, Jesus shows up! Even though they are located in a secretive place, and, even though they have thoroughly locked their doors—Jesus comes to them. He did it the night of the resurrection (the time when Thomas wasn’t present) and then, because of Thomas’ demand that He return, He comes back again. This story shows that Jesus comes to us but He comes a second time which is done based one man’s jealous-sounding request!

Our Lord Jesus is that kind of God. He is willing to come to us as often as it takes. In the middle of their fear for the Romans and the Temple Guard—the disciples seem to have forgotten about the best resource that they have—Jesus Himself! In their fear have they already forgotten about their Lord? Well, maybe so and maybe not, but the point is Jesus comes! Even when we are not thinking about God, He comes!

We believe and teach that God is a God who takes the initiative on our behalf; we believe and teach that we cannot—on our own—come to know, love, or respect the Lord Jesus Christ! So, God takes the initiative, and we should give thanks every day for that!

How great is it that we have a God who responded long ago to send His Son to save us from our own sinfulness? How wonderful is it that we have a loving and patient Lord who doesn’t hold a grudge when we demand things from Him and seem to put trust in fear rather than His grace and love?

We have a God that you cannot shut out—no matter how hard you try! True, you can turn your back on Him; you can even disown Him and deny Him. Grace is such that it is always there.

Think on these things this week. Ponder what they might mean to you and your life!

God loves you and so do I!

Pastor Jim

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