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True or false: “…sometimes there just aren’t enough rocks…”

And Jesus said, ‘The stone that the builders tossed aside is now the most important stone of all. This is something the Lord has done, and it is amazing to us.’ Matthew 21:42 (CEV)

The stone Jesus refers to is a direct reference to Himself.  In the keystone of a stone arch, if that keystone is removed, the whole wall and door will collapse.  With Christ in our lives, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.  If you don’t believe me, then, get out your Bibles and read:  Mark 9:23, Luke 1:37, and Philippians 4:13.  But—without Him, we are lost; everything can come crashing down upon us!

Jesus also refers to a rock as the kind of stuff on which He will built this thing we today call the Church.  (See Matthew 16:18)  All four passages I’ve given you today are held together by a “cement” that we will call “faith.”  (You may have lots, or, you may feel as if you have a little.)  Remember, with God all things are possible, and, it means that a little faith goes a long, long way!

I recall one scene in the movie, “Forrest Gump,” where he and his life-long friend Jenny have walked to the old home where she grew up.  It didn’t hold many good memories for her and as they stood there she began to throw rocks at the house and eventually had thrown all of them that were laying around her.  Forrest—in his commentary of this event says—“…sometimes there just aren’t enough rocks…”

In some situations of our lives, this might seem true, but not with our salvation.  There is one rock—one stone—one that the world ignores and discredits—that is a blessing to the Church and to the world.  That stone—rock—cement—whatever you wish to call it—obviously is the one and only—Jesus Christ.

Like Peter a month or so ago, once we take our eyes off of him, we sink in an ocean of sin.  Keeping focus on Christ—making Him our foundation for life—gives any and every one a sure footing in any situation.  This is the importance of worship, prayer, and Bible study.  The invitation is constant and steady:  at OSLC, we have all kinds of opportunities to do each of these things.  We worship every Sunday (8:15 and 10:45 a.m. [with Heartsong AND Tradtional]) and offer Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 a.m.  There is a book study that is very spiritually led by Carolynn Bailey on Thursday mornings at 10 a.m. and a “grief study/prayer group” that meets on Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. (led this week by Nancy Shilling) – [both meet in the library and all are welcome]. Take advantage of these opportunities to continue to develop that “firmer foundation” as we move forward with the Good News of Jesus Christ, the foundation of the faith we all share!  Let Jesus be the rock of ages, the firmness needed in this life that helps us every moment.

Remember that God loves you and so do we!

Pastor Jim

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