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“Keeping It”

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.” (Genesis 2:15)

This time of year, the world takes on a beauty all its own.  As leaves begin to turn color, what an amazing palate of hues we see!  It’s always new, too, different from last years’ fall pigment.

What an artist God is!  His work is glory to Himself, and a reminder of what is good in the world.  It is also a reminder that things don’t last.  In a few weeks time, those marvelous colors will be gone.  But they will come back.  It is the nature of God.

That is His nature.  That is “His part of the bargain.” How about our part in this regenerative creation God has given us?  Are we doing our part?

Look at the passage printed above.  I am finding that there is more to those five words at the end of the sentence than meets the eye.  “…till it and keep it…”  Tilling means to help it regenerate and produce; but, what does it mean to “keep it”?

That was the responsibility of Adam and Eve.  Thus, it is a responsibility that has been handed down from generation to generation since that time.  It hasn’t changed.   To me, it means that we are called to be caretakers of this earth—all the plants, and animals, creepy crawly things (yuck but oh well!), birds of the air, and fish of the sea, and yes—even the great sea creatures that dwell with the fishes.  When you read the creation story, God means to care for every single piece of creation He has made.  There is a holiness to each; there should come with that a respect in every morsel of land, sea, and air.

It seems with every invention of new technology comes a threat to God’s creation. Yes – ultimately – this is God’s creation, not ours – meaning it is sacred.  (Meaning He truly did make it!)   It is something that needs caretaking and love.  We live here, and He gave it to us, but—for me—it is still His world.  We’re only here for a short time.  It’s on loan to us for a while.

As you watch over the next few weeks, the changing landscape of our part of the world, think on these things.  Pastor Ed Wolff always has something to share about the care of creation.  Feel free to contact him for ideas of how to better care for the earth.  He serves on our SE Synod’s “Green Team” and they always have new, challenging, and amazing ways to make changes to help God’s good world remain good and clean.

Give thanks for what God has given us.  It can replenish what we take away, but if we do not cease the many paths we are traveling, she will someday run out of regenerative powers.  Yet, we can make a difference and the proper changes to help the earth.  Give thanks, and look for ways to clean up our environment.  How shall we “keep it”?  Pray about that this week.

Remember that God loves you and so do we!

Pastor Jim

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