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“Left Wanting?”

Exodus 20:1 “Then God spoke all these words: I am the Lord your God…4 Do not make an idol for yourself—no form whatsoever…”

As we think on the things that have happened over the last day or two, I am reminded of what God first, long—long—ago, commanded that His children do on a regular basis.  Here’s just a couple of them:

Verse 1:  When God speaks, they are not idle words, chatter, or thoughtless text.  They do not come from some erratic and impure emotion, but rather God’s own perfect wisdom and reason.  They are always shared with His children’s (His whole family’s) welfare in mind.

Verse 2:  These are the first words from what we determine are “The Ten Commandments.”  Through the centuries many people have looked a bit negatively at these Bible verses and decided they are about what we shouldn’t be doing in this life.  In the 1529, Martin Luther decided that these articles of faith (along with a few others) should be combined into a question and answer type of book, known as “The Small Catechism.”   It is here that the Ten Commandments are explained certainly in the traditional way – that is – the ways we are to avoid turning from God and from our neighbors–but he added a twist.  After each petition of what not to do, he took time to explain how we should live out each command in a positive way.  That positive way is clear in these first six words: “I am the Lord Your God.”  It is NOT a command.  It is NOT an opinion.  It simply is God’s statement of faith in us.  He will be our God because His love is just that way; there is no debate.  God is love and He is in love with you and me.

Verse 4:  We live in a world where idols dominate our existence.  We are a people of want.  We are incessantly wanting this or that.  It doesn’t matter whether or not we need it—we want it—and often we will get it at all costs.  We all fall short of the glory of God in this way.  We all have our own weaknesses.  This great weakness happens often in the form of religion.  What I am seeing in the form of these terrorist acts in the name of God are pure idolatry.  It is selfish attacks on the God-given freedoms of our daily lives—it’s something terrorists want and feel they cannot have it unless they maim and destroy.  It’s so hard to believe that there are people who believe there is a god who believes in and teaches such things.  In our faith, we do not call that “god.”  It has another name.  Pray for God’s righteousness to work—that justice prevail—and that all people learn from these horrible acts of murder.

Remember – in religion, (because humanity is involved) mistakes happen.  Even Christianity has faltered in her best attempts for what is good and right.  But with God’s Spirit by our side, we can and will be led to what is ultimately best for neighbors and ourselves.  Pray for peace; pray for compassion; pray for justice; pray that each of us does what is right and acceptable in God’s sight.  Pray that the bloodshed here in this country and throughout the world would cease.  And do not forget…

…that God loves you and so do we!

Pastor Jim

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