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Remember Spring?

“He gives snow like wool; he scatters frost like ashes.  He hurls down ice like crumbs—who can stand before his cold?”  (Psalm 147:16-17)

We are now into the season of Lent.  As we have said a number of times before, the best and simplest definition of the word, “Lent,” is “Spring.”   I’m tempted to put on our church sign these words:  “Whoever was praying for snow, please now pray for spring!  Thank you!”

Even though our faith in this part of the country gets tested when such bad weather comes time and time again—I do love living here because as soon as you really do get tired of the weather, the next season shows up!  I appreciate the fact that we do get four seasons every year.

One rationalization I had for years was that snow, ice, and frigid temperatures, at least, helped get rid of certain bugs of spring and summer.  One entomologist at ETSU last winter burst that bubble in saying that such an idea isn’t really true.  If anything, layers of snow and ice might even provide shelter from the frigid temps that tend to harm the eggs they have laid.  So much for that thought of the good that can come in all this “lousy” weather.  (It still bears a beauty all it’s own.)

With Lent begun (last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday), we are into the more somber time of praise of the work of Jesus Christ.  In the midst of the cold, we are encouraged to give thanks to what God has done on our behalf.  The passion of Christ is an important part of the Gospel to study and reflect upon; it helps create a sense of intimacy God has with His children.  To think deeply about the gravity of the suffering and death of our Savior will hopefully enrich our faith.

Take time to look through the newsletters we send you.  Pastor Ed and I are trying hard to create ways you might experience the passion of our Lord.  We want this season of Lent to be an amazing experience for you.  Come and join us for Wednesday and Sunday worships.  The six marks of discipleship (a theme we have put forth) will be discussed on Wednesdays at noon and 6:45 p.m.  I hope the weather will cooperate.  Prayers for the spring are appreciated!

Remember – God loves you and so do we!

Pastor Jim

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