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“…and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” (Luke 3:6)

John, a relative of Jesus, when he came of age, began to preach everywhere he could.  His message was simple:  “Prepare yourself, get your lives in order, something great is about to happen, Someone wonderful is about to come!”

That was his sole task in this life, the very reason he was born.
When CHRISTmas gets closer, you make sure all the presents are purchased and wrapped; when you go on a trip, you carefully pack your bags and have the car serviced; when you prepare for the day, you follow certain ways of getting ready for your day’s work.  In every preparation, day in and day out, do you also prepare to meet and see Jesus?

One can do this by saying a morning prayer, and, reading a bit of the Bible. Yes, it’s that simple.  It’s a great way to get your day “in order.”

We all have tasks in life.  Some of us can do electrical work, others are doctors and nurses, students and teachers.  Some of us do social work of some kind, or work in sales, while others can fix almost anything that needs fixing.  We all have a role to fill.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could – each day – follow John’s words that I have paraphrased?  Maybe, we could put it into a more prayerful form:

“Lord, Jesus, thank You for the gift of night and rest.  Thank You for watching over me. Something great is about to happen; Someone wonderful is about to come!  Help me see and be a part of this coming!  Show me the way to see You in everything I do this day!  Amen.”

Make this your sole task, like John did, and everything else needful will come as well!

It’s Advent.  Christ IS coming.  Prepare.  Get ready. You will see Him today!

And remember,
God loves you and so do we!
Pastor Jim

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We are still collecting your Time and Talent Forms as well as you Financial Commitment Forms.  Please drop them off as soon as you can!

Remember:  Advent meal (5 pm) and worship (6 pm) on Sunday nights!  Thanks to Youth, Finance, and Christian Ed for hosting the meal this Sunday!

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