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The lights are dimmer these days.  The days continue to be darker.  Finally, it has even turned colder.  Winter has arrived.  But, Christmas is gone, or, is it?

According to Christian tradition, and a particular Christmas song, there are actually 12 days of the season.  The thirteenth day is Epiphany, introducing the next church year season.  In many cultures, the night of Epiphany (January 6) is the time for candles, not the western version of Christmas.  In America, January 6th was for a while the time to take all those indoor trees and create a great light (representing the star that the Wise Men from the east followed) by burning them in a big pile.  These days, I guess we honor the three wise guys by turning those evergreens into mulch.  Not a bad idea, really…not so much a great light, but good for the environment.

Resolutions, changes, new focus, better attitudes and habits are on the forefront. Well, they better be because the season of Lent (Ash Wednesday is February 10) – where such things just mentioned are really tested – begins in just 39 days.  Easter is only 85 days away on March 27.  Time flies when you’re having fun.

Where, then, has the season gone?  It’s been covered up with the usual: gifts, food, parties, fireworks, ballgames, and all other kinds of festive stuff.  Families try and get together.  Friends throw parties for one another.  It’s a busy time.

But just don’t forget these next few days, as the stars may actually begin to peek out at night-know that wise men did eventually arrive, shepherds did come with haste, and Mary kept everything close to her heart. And the hymn about an Emmanuel coming, came.
And He comes every time there is a sadness, a joy, a concern, a happiness, a peace, and even a war.

As things may begin to calm down, remember the Christ child.  Please remember Him, because in 39 days He’s going to grow up quick!

Seeing Him as an infant is important; envisioning Him as an innocent child makes everything coming up in the following seasons and the stories about Him all the more remarkable.  This baby, this human child, is your King.  If there is any more lifting of glasses these days, lift one for the baby, the Infant King, Jesus Christ.  Do it now, for the stories of our God are coming, and coming fast!

These last couple of days of Christmas?  Enjoy!

Remember that God loves you and so do we!
Pastor Jim

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Sunday, January 3, we return to our regular worship schedule (8:15 and 10:45 a.m.) and Sunday School returns as well at 9:30 a.m.

All 2016 Council Members will be duly installed on January 3rd.  Give thanks for them!

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