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“…I know My own, and My own know Me…” (John 10:14)

It’s clear by the scriptures that God knows us.  He knows everything about us!  The Bible says elsewhere that He even knows the number of hairs on our head!  Why He would want to know that is beyond me, but I believe it’s said just to make the point that He really, really does know us through and through!

He says in Matthew 6 that even when we pray in our rooms away from other people-He hears our words that are in secret.  No, He’s not a spy-just a really good listener!

There are two challenges for this Sunday’s Gospel about “The Good Shepherd.”  One-how well do we know God?  How well can we get to know God?  The only way to find out is to be involved in some form of daily Bible study and prayer.  It helps-once again, according to scripture-to involve ourselves in the community of faith that we called to serve (in other words, worship!).  Secondly, how well do we know our own flock?  One way to do this is by attending worship on the first Sunday of the month – something that was created by your Council, based on your responses in the most recent survey that a large number of you wanted to find ways to come together and get to know one another again!  Another way to get to know our flock which includes our neighborhoods is to invite someone you know to church this Sunday, “Friendship Sunday.”  There’s a special coffee hour in the garden and worship will be geared to help people feel at home at Our Saviour Lutheran Church.

Give that last challenge a try.  Think about someone you know that you think just might enjoy worshipping with us, and invite them (The worst thing they can say is “No.”).  What happens – even when people decline – is that you are creating an avenue of communication and care that has never existed before between the two of you.  They may never come to OSLC, but they will know deep down that you care for them as a child of God.  It might be a subconscious thing for them, but I believe they will know your love and care.  I truly believe this!

God knows and loves you.  So do I.  And, I know you can do this-this evangelism thing-this invitation to worship.  As I’ve said in the recent past, just trust God’s Spirit to guide you and you will be amazed how helpful and strengthening He can be for you!  God bless you in every good thing!

God loves you and so do I!

Pastor Jim

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