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Ascension Day

“…He was lifted up and a cloud took Him out of their sight…”
                                         (Acts 1:9)    

The fortieth day after the Resurrection of Jesus is known to us as the day of Ascension.  Jesus bodily departed from the disciples presence, and they saw Him no more.

It is actually one of the four major festivals of the Lutheran Church Year:  Christmas, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost.  For whatever reason, Ascension has not carried the same weight in most smaller parishes.  Maybe it’s because May is such a busy month with celebrations from Mother’s Day to Memorial Day, not to mention all the graduations that we will attend!  It IS a busy time.

On this occasion, our plan is to lift up the story of Jesus’ ascending into heaven to be with His heavenly Father.  Believe it or not, this story bothers some people.  Why?  Well, because it seems to say in the “Great Commission” passage that Jesus says “I am with you always…”  Isn’t that confusing?  Did someone misquote someone somewhere?

God never leaves us.  He is with us throughout the creative process of this life, and the redeeming process of this life, and the sanctifying process of this life.  His ascending is just the completion of a complete and full circle of grace and peace-all given by God to His children.

His departure is not that He is leaving us, but rather that He is going in order that the Holy Spirit will come to us, and to show His love and respect and trust of us to handle things on this worldly level on His behalf.  His leaving is opening the door to this thing we call the “Church.”  He expects us to take the lead in this life and share the faith in such a noble and wonderful way!

On May 17, at 7 p.m., we will commission three new Stephen Ministers-Carolynn Bailey, Robin Elolia, and Judi Boebel.  On this occasion of the celebration of Ascension, we also will celebrate Holy Communion and even allow these new leaders to offer special service during this worship experience.

We hope you all take advantage of all the opportunities for fellowship, worship, and study this month of May.  May God’s Spirit richly bless you all, especially Robin, Carolynn, and Judi.

To God be the glory!

Your friend in Christ,

Pastor Jim Nipper

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