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“How will we know?”

How does anyone know anything about another person?

It’s sad to say that often we judge others by their appearance. I have been “different shapes” (body fat, etc.) my whole life. I once was very slim and sleek. It’s safe to say that I am no longer those things.

I have noticed throughout my “heavier years” that people’s perception of me (those who don’t know me/those who I might randomly meet on the street) is different than when I was younger. I have sensed a little less respect for me since their obvious prejudice is that I must not care for my own body. Of course, that’s not a fair assumption. However, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I believe other’s perception of me to be true. It is what it is.

In today’s society, “to live the life” you have to be slim and sleek and all those other media-induced stereo types of a happy life. Nothing is further from the truth.

In the Church, based on what Jesus teaches, we need to look deeper at people. Jesus says in this Sunday’s Gospel (John 13:34), “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” That’s a tall order to be sure. No one can love the way Jesus loved.

But we can try.

How should look at others…all others? The simple answer is a hard one: “You (and I) should love one another.” That means to love with no malice, no distrust, or any prejudice. Again, it’s hard but not impossible.

And what would be the other person’s reflection of such love? If we can truly love and respect others…”by this everyone will know that you are My disciples-if-you have love for one another.” (vs. 35)

I could live with that. If others could see us as disciples of Jesus, wow! Jesus loved like no other, and, if others saw us as His disciples, I’d say we’re walking down the right road of this life. Oh, we will fall and fail at this a lot, but it doesn’t hurt to try and try and try. God will go with us down that road.

And as you and I travel down that road, remember…

God loves you and so do we!

Pastor Jim

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