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“…but I have called you friends…” (John 15:15)


When one thinks of Jesus Christ, we tend to think of Him as Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and rightly so! He is the true Son of God -King of the Universe!

That seems to put Him in a totally different category from all other human beings, from all other earthly relationships.

And yet, in the 15th chapter of John, Jesus the Lord makes it clear that His disciples are no longer servants-but rather, friends-which changes our view of the relationship we traditionally have with the Lord! Jesus goes on to say that if we were servants that would be because we do not always know what the master is doing-being a servant meant the master didn’t have to tell you anything-except when and where to go to work. Our Lord says that He has shared everything that He knows with His disciples and therefore they are called His friends. That the Lord God Almighty would say such a thing is pretty remarkable!

Friends – true friends – share everything; they trust beyond a shadow of a doubt in the other. They make sacrifices without the slightest consideration for one another. There are no questions because we know the other so well; there is a total confidence and acceptance of the other.

That’s how our Lord Jesus feels. But, do we feel that way toward Him? Can we say the same about Him? Do we share everything with Christ? Do we trust Him beyond a shadow of a doubt? Do we sacrifice anything and everything for Him? Do we know Jesus so well that we have no questions because we have total confidence and acceptance of Him?

These are good but hard questions. The good news is that Jesus does feel this way about us! How we respond or do not respond doesn’t change His feelings for us. He remains loyal and consistent in His opinions of us. True, by our sin we can bring disappointment to Him, but still-He never waivers in His love and trust in us. This truly is Good News.

Think this week about your friends, and as you do, try and think of the Lord or Lord-King of Kings as a friend as well. Wow! He is an amazing and awesome God!

Your friend in Christ,

Pastor Jim Nipper

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