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How often do you read your Bible? How often do you take your Bible to church? Now the trick question: How many times have you read the book of Lamentations?

First of all, the title doesn’t seem to make it a book that many people would like to pick up and read. I mean, there’s enough material to depress you on TV and in the newspaper that you would never have to read a book that’s entitled “Lamentations.” It sounds like a real downer!

However, it is the first reading for this upcoming Sunday. (Lamentations 3:22-33) And, it starts out, unlike its title, very upbeat! “..The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases..” The lamenting reader will look at that and say, “yeah, right!” But it is true! God’s love never ceases, it never stops! (This was a common theme throughout our week of VBS!)

Then, we will hear some lamenting thoughts: “…Although God causes grief…” Now-God doesn’t cause grief to happen, it’s just that when God tells the truth, the truth often hurts. For example, Jesus says, “Love your neighbor,” and say you have just had a big fight with your neighbor. The last thing you want to hear or be challenged to do is “love your neighbor.” “Right now, I do NOT want to love my neighbor; I’d rather sock him in the nose!” So, truth hurts sometimes.

And yet, the writer of Lamentations closes out this Sunday’s lesson with these words: “..for He does not willingly afflict or grieve anyone..” Now, there you go! The Bible says it through and through. So many people in this life, when things go wrong, want to blame God for their discomfort or sadness; and they often say that God has brought this calamity down upon us. Mr. Lamentations answers that challenge, hands down!

We are always quick to blame God. Why do you think that’s true? It’s probably because God doesn’t talk back right away!

When you pray, share your joys, of course-but take time to share your concerns. God listens and will make a difference in the world in which you and I live. It’s okay to lament with God; He appreciates your honesty and your truth, and well, if you share such with God, the sooner the better. The sooner the better person you and I can become in order to share this God-given faith with others!

In this approaching heat wave, it is really okay to lament! And, when you stand before God in prayer, lament and know that he won’t hold a grudge or blame you for such difficulties! God is a just and loving God: when we lament, He listens and cares for us like a loving Father should!

Stay cool!

God loves you and so do I!

Pastor Jim

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