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“Where else can we go?” (John 6:65)

Carrie Underwood, a couple of years ago now, sang a song entitled, “Jesus Take The Wheel.”  I heard that song a number of times, and am always grateful for any form of spirituality to eek its way into our modern day music.

On occasion we will read in the newspaper or hear on the radio or television that someone has had an experience where something supernatural has happened to them.  Often times, it’s been a proven fact that something called adrenaline kicks into our bodies and people do seem to have superhuman strength.   It can be explained so it’s not really a miracle.

I’m not like a lot of God-fearing people in that I don’t rely solely on miracles to get by in life—especially when difficult things come along.  I am a believer that things happen and I know—beyond a shadow of a doubt—that God is with me.  That comforts me to no end!  I don’t have to have amazing things happening around me—mystical and almost ‘magical” things—to know that God is with me and helps me every day of my life.  Lack of miracles has never caused me to lose my faith.

Often times, we are left to our own devices in dealing with tough times (and the good times as well).  In the 6th chapter of John, towards the end of the chapter, after trying time and time again to convince the crowds that God’s love is more important than power and prestige and status—at the end of this long conversation, many of Jesus’ disciples (not part of the 12) can’t take it anymore and walk away.  Jesus then asks the 12 disciples if they might want to walk away as well.

Peter, self-proclaimed spokesman of the group, answers:  “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life…”

“Where are we going to go, Lord?  You are the source, the way, the truth! You told that yourself!”

But Jesus wasn’t going to be there in this way forever.  There would come a time when He would physically exit this planet.  No more sandals, no more smiling face, no more long hair and beard:  he would be gone.

This is where God’s Holy Spirit comes in.  The Third Person of the Trinity comes as Jesus ascends.  He has been with us ever since!  I do experience Him on a daily basis.

I came out to my car on Thursday morning and discovered that I had a flat tire.  I’m not as agile as I used to be, and it was quite the chore.  In fact, once I got the car up on the jack, it collapsed (never had that happen to me before—no problem, no damage or injury—thank goodness!).  I was a little frustrated (since I had appointments to keep) so I stopped, said a little prayer for patience and for strength, rested for a moment—got a drink of water, wiped off my forehead and went back at it.  It was interesting to me that it was “a breeze’ after that.  I had no problems.  Maybe it was the water, the moment of rest, or, maybe it was the little prayer I said and the fact that the Holy Spirit heard me.  It wasn’t superhuman strength, but there was a sense that “I can do this” that wasn’t there before.

Sometimes, like Peter and the gang, we are left to our own devices.  But, remember we’re really not alone.  God’s Spirit is along for the ride.  And yes, just knowing/sensing His presence can make all the difference!  (And, I might add, He’s pretty handy with a tire iron!  Ha!)

God loves you and so do I!

Pastor Jim

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