“He is not here, He is risen!” (Matthew 28:6)

This, if any preacher would be bold enough to preach, could be the shortest, most concise, and most relevant sermon ever written.   What more can you say? Many people suffered through trials with the Sanhedrin and then the Roman Government and were punished.  Many people suffered crucifixion; the end of...

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“Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease”

 Did you know that God believes in this old saying?  Did you know that – in a manner of speaking – the idea is all throughout the Bible? Moses went up on the mountain and prayed (Exodus 19:3).  The disciples asked Jesus, and He taught them how to pray (Luke...

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“Through the Cross…”

This is the final week of our trek through Lent entitled, “To the Cross, Through the Cross.”  It has been a wonderful walk!  I hope those who have taken this journey with Pastor Ed and me have grown in our faith and have received spiritual gratification in some way…..not only...

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“To The Cross…”

Pastor Ed and I are continuing our trek forward “to the cross” in this Lenten journey, and we hope that you are gaining so type of inspiration from it.  It has certainly uplifted my spirits as I have studied, and, as I have listened to Pastor Ed’s preaching during this...

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“Blaming the tree…” (Luke 13:7)

I read an article once out of the Johnson City Press where a young woman had been brutally beaten and raped. It seems she was in the downtown area around 3 a.m. in the morning, walking home from being out with friends. I found it interesting that comments during the...

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“…tell that fox…” (Like 13:32) Our Lord was human. He showed lots of emotion. He clears the temple with a very aggressive attitude (Mark 11:15-19 and John 2:13-22); He weeps at the tomb of Lazarus (John 11:35); He weeps over Jerusalem (see Luke 19). He evidently liked to party as...

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“…(Jesus)…was led by the Spirit in  the wilderness…”  (St. Luke 4:1b) It couldn’t be as bad as we might think, this “wilderness.”  Our immediate thoughts of such a place is somewhere where nothing grows—just a lot of barrenness, arid and, simply put. not too comfortable.  Unless you have prepared yourself...

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 “…the appearance of His face changed…”  (Luke 9:29)  Not long ago, our Stephen Ministers watched a DVD about the ministry of Hospice and what can happen to loved ones in those last days of life.  It was a very positive and creative way of looking at approaching death for those...

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