“Open My Life, Lord”

Our mid-week Lenten series this year has been focusing on ways that God is active in our world and in our lives, opening us up to God’s vision of grace. Each week biblical passages continue to cast light on the ways in which God opens our eyes, hands, ears, heart,...

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“About eight days after Jesus said these things, he took Peter, John, and James, and went up on a mountain to pray. 29 As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes flashed white like lightning.”   (Luke 9:28 – CE) What exactly happened that day up...

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“Today, this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”  (Luke 4:21) Jesus has gone home.  He has the chance to see His momma and take a moment to get prepared for the mission ahead.  For the next three years, He’s going to be traveling a lot, and may not have...

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The Commands of God

“The statutes of the Lord are just and rejoice the heart; the commandment of the Lord is clear and gives light to the Lord.” (Psalm 19:8) Are the Ten Commandments still valid in today’s society?  Some people think that the Old Testament is archaic and useless, that, the New Testament...

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“On the third day…” (John 2:1a)

No, this is not John’s rendition of the resurrection of Jesus.  Nope, it’s not about Easter Sunday morning when the women come to the tomb to embalm the Lord only to find the stone rolled away. It’s much earlier than that. Back in the day, Jesus’ day that is, when...

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“…with You I am well pleased…” (Luke 3:22)

Remember when you were young and you received a kind word from your parents? Can you recall those moments when an adult (maybe a teacher, civic leader, coach, pastor, or neighbor) gave you a compliment? It felt good. It made you smile. It made you feel good about yourself. Last...

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The lights are dimmer these days.  The days continue to be darker.  Finally, it has even turned colder.  Winter has arrived.  But, Christmas is gone, or, is it? According to Christian tradition, and a particular Christmas song, there are actually 12 days of the season.  The thirteenth day is Epiphany,...

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