“Where else can we go?” (John 6:65)

Carrie Underwood, a couple of years ago now, sang a song entitled, “Jesus Take The Wheel.”  I heard that song a number of times, and am always grateful for any form of spirituality to eek its way into our modern day music. On occasion we will read in the newspaper...

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What ever happened to summer?

In the “good ol’ days,” we would get out of school the first week of June and didn’t go back until the day after Labor Day.  Do you remember that?  One had three solid months of vacation time, much to the raised eyebrows of many a mother and father. Even...

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“…Looking for Jesus…” (read John 6:24)

Earlier in this chapter of John, Jesus did two magnificent things:  fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, and secondly, He walked across the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum.  Wow! At least five thousand eye-witnesses have spoken to others about the miracle of the feeding! There...

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Citizens With the Saints

“…citizens with the saints…” (Ephesians 2:19) By the time you read this article, six of us from OSLC will be well into the 2012 ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans! Our trip started out via Ann Ottinger’s SUV (thank you Ann!) on Monday with a trip to Atlanta, GA,...

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God is calling!

“I…never had plans to be a preacher…” (Amos 6:14) (The Message Bible) This is not a quote from me, but rather, from the prophet Amos. Personally, I am convinced that a long, long time ago, God had set His sights on me being “a preacher,” and I can now see...

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How often do you read your Bible? How often do you take your Bible to church? Now the trick question: How many times have you read the book of Lamentations? First of all, the title doesn’t seem to make it a book that many people would like to pick up...

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