“The revealing dreams of John”

“…on either side…is the tree of life…” (Revelation 22:2) What do we really know about John’s book of Revelation? What can we understand about the very last book of the Bible? It is so full of illustration and symbol – many of which we cannot understand – so what is...

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“How will we know?”

How does anyone know anything about another person? It’s sad to say that often we judge others by their appearance. I have been “different shapes” (body fat, etc.) my whole life. I once was very slim and sleek. It’s safe to say that I am no longer those things. I...

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Suspenseful Christ?

“How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” (John 10:22) This won’t be the last time someone asks such a question.  One might expect those who didn’t know Him that well to ask such questions; but in the 14th chapter of John,...

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The Bold God!

“Come and have breakfast!” (John 21:12) Once Jesus saw a man up in a tree who was there because he was too short to see Jesus walking down the street. Jesus invites Himself to the man’s house for dinner. How forward! Just a couple of weeks ago, as Jesus had...

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“…idle tales…” (Luke 24:11)

Right now there are two new movies in theatres about the life of Jesus.  One has been out for a while, “Risen,” which is the story of the Resurrection of Jesus as told through the eyes of a Roman centurion.  His job, assigned him by Pontius Pilate, is to find...

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“…and they conspired to arrest Jesus…”

“…and they conspired to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill Him…”  (Matthew 26:4) The Chief Priests and the Elders of Jerusalem had gathered.  They were worried about the influence that this guy named Jesus was going to have on the people there for the Passover.  Jerusalem was a busy place...

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“Death, Taxes, and, well, the Poor”

“You will always have the poor with you…” (John 12:8a) You have heard it said:  “The only sure thing in life – the only constant in this world – are death and taxes.” How true.  Death comes expectedly sometimes, and in other times, unexpectedly.  We in and around Our Saviour...

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